Vision and Mission


The body of Christ united, humble, voice of the voiceless and agent of peace and reconciliation.


That they may know Christ and have life in abundance (Jn.10:10).


Justice and Peace

The Justice and Peace Office exist to promote peaceful co-existence, respect for diversity and human rights. The Office is centered on the dignity of the human person and this involves

Social Communications

The Social Communication Coordination office is tasked with the responsibility of strengthening communication within the Bishops’ Conference and its respective Dioceses. This involves the role of connecting, publishing, disseminating information

The Episcopate

HE. Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir
HG Michael Didi
HL Paride Taban
HL Christian Calassare of Rumbek Diocese
Bp Mathew Remijo of Wau Diocese
Bp Alex Lodiong Sakor
H. L. Santo Loku Pio Doggale
Chairman for Priests & Religious Commission
H. L. Daniel Adwok
Chairman for Major Seminary Commission
H. L. Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala
Chairman for Social Communication Commission
H. L. Stephen Nyodho
Chairman for Pastoral Commission
H. G. Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla
Deputy to the President
H. L. Yunan Trile Tombe
President of the Bishops’ Conference

latest from our blog

19 December 2022
Important Information for the Journalists who wish to come to South Sudan to cover the Apostolic Visit of His Holiness Pope Francis.

4.1.2 South Sudan The competent local authorities inform that it will be possible to have the necessary information and request press accreditation while applying for an entry Visa to South

06 May 2022
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